
Do you want happy healthy posture to replace your current Rounded Shoulders posture that is, eventually accompanied with forward head posture often leading to headaches and migraines, upper back and shoulder pain, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, gut issues, limited neck and shoulder mobility, all of which make you prone to spine injuries and tend to affect the quality of your sleep?

Then you ought to become an angel member at the Posture Paradise studio. That way, 30 days from now, you too just like +500 other angel members, who were once in your current  posture dilemma, will have good healthy posture that makes you happy inside out. 

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You're the beautiful individual consciousness that exists within and your body is your home through which you get to experience life as we know it on earth. 

Your body, even with challenged posture, has still made it possible for you to be here and make wonderful memories, love it, appreciate it, and you do so by lovingly improving it's posture condition.




you will:

Lovingly correct your posture using an effective approach that also empowers you mentally and: 

  • Say goodbye to the chronic pain in your neck, shoulders, back, knees, and feet, along with the migraines. 
  • Transform your mental health from highly self-conscious to high self-esteem.
  • Easily get into a comfortable sleeping positions and enjoy deep, restful sleep.
  • Cut back on expenses incurred for every visit to a posture pro for adjustment.
  • Replace shallow breathes that trigger anxiety with deep breathing that generates mental peace.
  • Enjoy your meals without having to experience constipation and bloating. 

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

With Guidance By The Posture Paradise Studio, you will finally go from just existing to confidently enjoying a meaningful life that is not restricted by your posture.


You're A Step Closer To…

  • Finally being Pain free
  • Having a body that isn't restricted in mobility 
  • Leading a happier life 

The right guidance can make all the difference. That's exactly what Posture Paradise Studio does best. 


Posture Paradise Studio

Your posture induced pain relief delivery

Are You Ready To Permanently Attain Good Posture And Feel Confident?

Then Posture Paradise studio will remove all the tension your body has accumulated and return it back to it's natural state of flexibility. You’ll gain:

  • Muscle strength and flexibility
  • Constant posture awareness 
  • New heights of self-esteem 

Using practical and accessible methods, you're bound for a happy life and reaching your full potential. 

What's Included In The Posture Paradise Studio...

Rounded Shoulders Edition

Rounded Shoulders posture is when your shoulders move forward and away from the rest of the body's regular alignment, forming a curve from one shoulder to the other. This edition is made up of 30 bite-size episodes that: 

  • Instantly relieve shoulder tension and release shoulder pain.
  • Improve the relationship with your body, enabling you to nurture self-love. 
  • Are fun to follow with a 95% commitment rate.  

You’ll finish this edition with better body mobility, healthy shoulder postural alignment and mental empowerment.

Neck Hump & Double Chin Edition 

While there are different types of neck humps, the neck hump [Kyphosis] in focus is a hunch that develops at the base of your neck as a result of chronic forward head posture. If ignored for a long time can cause a curve in the cervical spine. This edition is made up of 30 bite-size episodes that:

  • Are carefully curated to release neck tension build up.
  • Return your cervical spine to it's natural curve. 
  • Strengthen your neck muscles enabling them to support good neck posture. 
  • Get rid of a posture induced neck hump and double chin. 

You’ll finish this edition with healthy neck alignment that you fall in love with over and over again whenever you catch your reflection in a mirror. 

Knock Knees By Flat Feet Edition 

Knock knees or gene valgum is when the knees tilt inwards and touch while the ankles are separate. Knock knees are sometimes caused by flat feet.

Flat feet is when the inner arches of the feet collapse inwards that the entire bottom of the foot is in contact with the surface especially when standing.  This collapse encourages the shinbones to rotate slightly inwards which in turn pulls the kneecaps sightly inwards causing the knees to knock. This edition is made up of 10 bite-size episodes that:

  • Strengthen the arches of your feet, and ankle joints.
  • Relieve the foot pain caused by flat feet. 
  • Correct flat feet-induced knock knees.
  • Release accumulated gluteus minimus tension that is caused by overworking the glutes to maintain body stability.

You'll finish this edition with much love and appreciation for your feet, with strengthened arches and ankle joints that support  knock knees correction

Back Edition

Back edition focuses on taking your entire back from weakness to strength and from stiffness to flexibility, a combination that has proven to support upright  posture. This edition is made up of 30 bite-size episodes that will:

  • Teach you how to replace the habit of prolonged slouching with seating upright.
  • Get rid of posture induced back pain once and for good. 
  • Relax your nervous system and attain mental peace and calm. 

 You'll finish this edition with a lean back that endures prolonged good posture and is free from posture-induced pain. 

 Physical Flexibility 

Naturally, we are born to be in a flexible state but sometimes life deals us challenging cards which introduce something foreign to our body and mind, and that is tension. In the beginning, it's so uncomfortable, even unbearable especially in our shoulders, backs and hips but as time goes on, we get used to it and start identifying with this tension.  This edition focuses on ridding our bodies of this tension, allowing them to return to their natural state of flexibility. This edition is made up of 5 bite-size episodes that will: 

  • Improve your hamstring flexibility, minimising the possibility of getting into posterior pelvic tilt posture.
  • Improve your hip mobility and alignment 
  • Take a general swipe throughout your entire body to get rid of any hidden unconscious tension. 

At the end of this edition, you'll feel physically and mentally light. 

Breath Work  Edition

With bad posture comes difficulty breathing and if left unchecked, can develop into bad breathing habits that trigger fight or flight, inability to focus and concentrate. This edition is made up of 12 bite-size episodes that: 

  • Guide you step-by-step to learn natural breathing
  • Leverage your breath for relief from gut challenges like bloating. 
  •  Practice use of breath as a tool for anger management. 

At the end of this edition your lunges will have built capacity for slow deep breaths and your over all life quality improved.

Strength Edition

This edition is a jump start for getting back into your movement practice especially after taking a pause. It is my post-summer go-to. It is made up of 6 bite-size episodes that: 

  • Use the method of repetition to build muscle endurance for advanced strength training.
  • Work even the smallest muscles that are usually inaccessible.
  • Get you in the right mind set for breaking a sweat.

At the end of this edition you will be in high spirits to get back or get into the habit of strengthening your body and if repeated for several weeks will generate amazing body strength.

Constipation & Bloating Edition

Constipation is difficulty passing stool while bloating is the feeling of being overfull or stretched. This edition is made up of 10 bite-size episodes that: 

  • Instantly relieve bloating and constipation.
  • Improve the function of your digestive system and overall gut health. 
  • Are fun to follow with a 95% commitment rate.  

You’ll finish this edition with an active gut, feeling empowered and with a quick metabolism.

Strength & Flexibility Edition

Constipation is difficulty passing stool while bloating is the feeling of being overfull or stretched. This edition is made up of 10 bite-size episodes that: 

  • Instantly relieve bloating and constipation.
  • Improve the function of your digestive system and overall gut health. 
  • Are fun to follow with a 95% commitment rate.  

You’ll finish this edition with an active gut, feeling empowered and with a quick metabolism.

The Posture Paradise Studio Is For You If...

  • You want healthy, regular posture. 
  • You're tired of experiencing chronic pain caused by bad posture
  • You feel self-conscious, lack confidence, because of your posture 
  • You have a hard time falling asleep due to posture induced discomfort
  • You no longer want your body mobility to be restricted
Hey angel :) 

I'm Cissy Nansera 

Following a car accident in which I was saved by the seatbelt, yoga found me at my then home, rock bottom in the company of trauma. 

Without judgement, yoga patiently took me on a bumpy healing journey. Amazed by the transformation, I've made it my life's purpose to pay it forward by making this beautiful practice accessible to as many angels as the universe allows me to, and to make this happen, in July 2018 I committed to attaining my 200 hours RYT at Rishikesh Nath yogashala in Rishikesh India, the world yoga capital.

Every angel deserves pain relief, a peace of mind, and a healthy relationship with your bodily home. Some sum up this combination as happiness and I couldn't agree more. YOU DESERVE A HAPPY LIFE, and I'm here to make sure of it

"Love this episode! I definitely feel stronger from the first few days of practicing. I'm feeling a lot more flexible so I'm able to hold poses that I didn't think I would be able to before."

- Lex

"Hi I just finished 30 days of Posture paradise! It was truly amazing. My posture  and Rounded shoulders have improved so much. forever grateful."

- @Vkubaityte

"Nansera- I am a music conductor who holds a lot of tension in my body especially my shoulders due to the nature of my work. This flow was incredible and I feel tension free for the first time in years!! Thank you and keep being awesome!"

- @adelinekyncI9327

Posture Paradise Studio

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  • Strength + flexibility edition
  • Access Rounded Shoulders edition
  • Access Neck Hump & Double Chin edition
  • Access to Back edition
  • Access Knock knees by Flat Feet edition 
  • Access Constipation + Bloating edition 
  • Access Strength edition
  • Access Physical Flexibility edition
  • Access Breath Work edition

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